Rail Services is your complete resource for Railroad & Bridge Claims. We’ve been in business for over 30 years and we’ve handled over 1,000 claims.
We serve insurance companies, Trucking companies, Law firms, and Short line and Regional railroads.
We are always on your side, telling the truth and fighting for your best interests. Call, email or fill out our Assignment Request Form today!
Use Experienced Railroad & Bridge Claims Adjusters
When an accident claim is filed involving a railroad or bridge your first step should be to call in experienced railroad and bridge claims adjusters.
Thousands of accidents happen each year involving railroads and bridges. The railroad companies and most bridge owners have long established systems for dealing with them. Insurance claims adjusters without extensive background in railway rules and operations or the engineering expertise to restore a bridge are at a serious disadvantage.
The important first step after an incident is to get a knowledgeable adjuster to the accident site as quickly as possible to gather evidence and issue a preliminary report.
Experienced Railroad Claims Adjusters Pay For Themselves In Savings
In a recent accident a privately owned freight car became uncoupled from the rest of the cars then rolled into a locomotive causing considerable damage.
It appeared to be a clear case of negligence and fault on the part of the shipper that loaded the car. However, an experienced railroad claims adjuster discovered a required safety device had been improperly installed by the railroad. If it would have been installed correctly the accident would have been prevented.

Such a finding could obviously change the balance of liability. It was only because the adjuster had many years of operational background in rail rules, procedures and equipment that he was able to spot this failure on the part of the railroad and provide the defending insurance company with an important contributing factor.
Bridge Claims Adjusters – Expert Investigation to Mitigate Losses
Use An Experienced Bridge Claim Adjuster
When an accident occurs involving one of your insured’s commercial vehicles and a bridge, why leave it to anyone else besides a knowledgeable expert?
There are over 600,000 bridges in the United States and there are thousands of accidents involving bridge’s every year. Many of these bridges are structurally deficient. If one of your vehicles hits one of these deficient bridges, how do you know if you are needlessly paying pre-existing damages from prior accidents, or upgrades to current federal standards?
When one of your commercial auto’s does hit a bridge, your first step should be to call an experienced bridge claims adjuster. Give yourself the peace of mind that your settlement will be fair and accurate.
Make a plan and stick to it.
Many times the DOT will try to force a settlement based on the threat of litigation and undocumented claims amounts. When negotiating settlements, it is important to know your facts going in, making a plan for mitigation and then sticking to the facts and your plan.
Many claims can be settled for far less than the original amount, simply by having a knowledgeable expert working for you. We can assist in developing a course of action, documentation required and negotiating a fair settlement.